Too Smart to be True



I just stumbled across an article that really hit home to me.  It’s called “Don’t be Such a Smarty-pants” and it discusses everything that bothers me about my classmates.  In general, it brings to light the failure of trying to sound smart.  Sure, fancy jargon and perfectly constructed sentences will impress your peers, and maybe even teachers and workmates, but it really won’t get you very far.  There is something about “the elegant simplicity of a well-communicated idea”.  I couldn’t agree more.  I try my hardest as a PR hopeful to stand out in a crowd for not trying too hard to impress future employers and teachers with complicated lingo, but would rather have my accomplishments and skills speak for themselves to represent me as a unique, valuable employee (or contact).  I think this article is definitely worth a read- it offers great insight into what kind of impression you might be giving off, and what you’re doing wrong and right in everyday interactions.

2 thoughts on “Too Smart to be True

  1. It is a funny contradiction that exists in the PR world. Every teacher or professional preaches direct, to the point and concise when doing press releases. But then a sort of “holier than thou” attitude comes out when seeing some professional releases. Terminology and tactics take to a new level just to show that you’re a real life PR person. Not so fast. If I am taking time to read something…then give me the good stuff. I want it so that I can understand and comprehend it right there on the spot. It comes down to a practice what you preach type of deal.

  2. I think you do a great job at standing out in a crowd Bennett :). I think that accomplishments and hard work speaks for itself as well and people don’t need to use words they can’t even pronounce or know the meaning of. Great article!

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